Monday, March 19, 2007

Correcting my unswer

Thank Rosa's clues, I read some information on Columbus landfall and voyage in order to get rid of plenty of useless information, so I got a conclusion that the country must be American and at the same time it must be some coastal city in the south of North American (USA).
I think that exercises of this kind of photo collage can help us improve our independant reading skills and collecting and arranging information skills, if there is enough time and it is possible, we should do more in the future.


At 8:59 PM, Blogger rosa ochoa said...

You are rigth, Dan, the country is in America, but not in North America (remember taht my brother doesn't know English very well.

Today's clue is a BIG CLUE!

Maybe one day you could prepare your own collage for everyone to guess. You must have thousands of interesting photos.


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